Dallas Moms Pregnancy Guide: Education & Support Resources


This guide is sponsored by local partners to bring you details on Dallas pregnancy and postpartum resources. View our complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide here.

The more you know! We’ve compiled links to lots of helpful resources, from breastfeeding to childbirth classes to VBACs. Arranged alphabetically by topic.

Breastfeeding Support

Generally, you’ll receive at least one lactation consultation whether you’re in a hospital, a birth center, or at home with your midwife. Some of the midwife practices in particular are committed to continuing support as you figure things out with your new baby. But if you find yourself in need of more help or you want to know the real rules about freezing and thawing breastmilk, don’t worry, you’ve got options.

I had a particularly nasty bout of mastitis with my second. I was so sick and home remedies weren’t working. I knew I’d probably need antibiotics but didn’t feel great about it. I called up LLL and was able to talk through my worries and feel better about moving forward. It was such a help to talk it out for a bit with a supportive expert.

La Leche League is an international non-profit breastfeeding advocacy organization with several area-based Dallas groups. They hold monthly meetings for informal discussions, up-to-date breastfeeding info, and support through sharing experiences. The Central Dallas Group meets at Café Brazil, for example. Laid back.

You can also just call ‘em up if you have a question. Best part? It’s free!

Lactation Care Center through the City of Dallas
Support for breastfeeding mothers provided by certified lactation consultants free of charge, in a calm, friendly environment. Facebook page here.

Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas
“Mothers of premature infants often struggle to produce adequate breastmilk due to stress, their own medical conditions or a number of other factors. For these mothers, donor human milk is a welcome gift during this stressful time in their families’ lives.”

Some newborn care companies also offer lactation consultation services:

Babymoon Concierge DallasBabymoon Concierge
Offers postpartum care (mother recovery), night nannies, sleep conditioning for newborns, light meals, breastfeeding support, newborn education and light housekeeping. BABYMOON CONCIERGE :: FACEBOOK :: INSTAGRAM

Harmony Baby Concierge
Overnight newborn care, gentle sleep conditioning/training, lactation support, postpartum doulas, new parent education classes, and virtual support.

Hush Hush Little Baby Newborn Care
Infant care (including nights), postpartum doulas, labor doulas, lactation support, sleep training, newborn care consultation, multiples and preemie care.

We Baby Momma
Birth doula, postpartum doula, newborn care, lactation support, sleep training, meal prep.


Birth centers and hospitals offer an array of relevant classes, with hospital-based classes typically the most affordable. Here are some additional spots:

Babymoon Concierge DallasBabymoon Concierge
Offers postpartum care (mother recovery), night nannies, sleep conditioning for newborns, light meals, breastfeeding support, newborn education and light housekeeping. BABYMOON CONCIERGE :: FACEBOOK :: INSTAGRAM

Bishop Babies
Classes on breastfeeding, infant/child CPR, baby care basics, lactation consultations and more held at Oak Cliff Pediatrics. They also offer a couple in-home options.

Cherish Birth
Emphasis on unmedicated childbirth. Christian-based childbirth classes available.

Dallas Birth Doulas
Classes on childbirth, infant massage and babywearing, and infant & child CPR. Private, in-home options offered.

DFW Birth Resource
Classes on Hypnobirthing and the Bradley Method. Group and private options available.

Great Expectation Doulas
Many different class options from childbirth to breastfeeding to baby care basics. Includes private and online options, too.

Harmony Baby Concierge
Overnight newborn care, gentle sleep conditioning/training, lactation support, postpartum doulas, new parent education classes, and virtual support.

Natural Beginnings
Classes on birth, parenting and breastfeeding, phone consults, in-office and in-home consultations, breast pump rentals.

Sweet Dreams Little Ones
Get in-person help while you sleep train your baby or toddler OR have her help you catch up on sleep while she aids in the sleep training.

Further Reading

You know we’ve got relevant posts in our archives!

Recreating Your Village in a Modern World: A Guide to Surviving Pregnancy & Postpartum

My Hospital Birth, My Birth Center Birth, My Homebirth

My Quest to VBAC in Dallas

Prenatal Care at a Birth Center

I Ate My Placenta

My Breastfeeding Journey

10 Tips for Your Nips: A Guide for a Pumping Mama

Formula Awareness Day: When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Work

I Don’t Know What I’m Doing {Favorite Resources from DM Contributors}

Where to Take the Baby Stuff: 10 Organizations That Need Your Used Baby Items

I Don’t Know How You Do It: Parenting a Medically Complex Child

Mom Groups

Support from other moms can really help with your emotional recovery after childbirth (and beyond!). Mom groups can also facilitate getting out of the house, which is healthy for so many reasons. Check out our community groups to connect with other moms in your immediate area.

Postpartum Depression Resources

Dallas Postpartum Support

Postpartum Support International, Texas Resource Guide

The Symptoms of Postpartum Depression & Anxiety (in Plain Mama English)

Directory of Pregnancy/Prenatal/Postpartum Therapists in Dallas

New Hope Counseling & Wellness PLLC

VBAC Resources


ICAN International Caesarean Awareness Network

DFW VBAC/Caesarean Support Facebook Group

See Our Complete Dallas Moms Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide

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